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Barbini glass - shown below is our current range of vases, bowls and other decorative vintage collectable Venetian glassware by Barbini of Murano, Venice, Italy.

Alfredo Barbini began learning the art of glass making in 1912, aged ten, at Abate Zanetti, the design school attached to the Murano Glass museum. He then went on to work for Ferro Toso, Cristalleria Murano, Zecchin-Martinuzzi, Seguso Vetri'dArte and Vetri Artistici Muranesi Societa Anonima. In 1946 he became a partner at Cenedese, and then began Barbini Glassworks in 1950. Some financial assistance for setting up the factory was provided by Salviati. In exchange, Barbini supplied Salviati with some of the glassware they produced. This explains why some known Barbini designs can be found with Salviati labels. Barbini has become renowned for his heavy, thick sculptural forms which have won him many awards. In 1952 Alfredo's daugher Oceania Barbini-Moretti joined the glassworks and became the company's sales manager. His son Flavio became a designer for the firm in 1968.

Sources: 20th Century Factory Glass by Lesley Jackson.

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