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Elme Glasbruk

Elme Glasbruk glass - shown below is our current range of vases, bowls and other decorative vintage collectable glassware by Elme Glasbruk of Sweden.

Elme Glasbruk was founded in Sweden in 1917, bur went bankrupt in 1921. However it reopened in 1923, and was taken over by Sten Kjellgren in 1925. The painter Edvin Ollers, who previously worked for Kosta, came to work for Elme Glasbruk from 1926 to 1930. the company changed hands several more times, and was run by the Borgarp family from 1962 until its closure in 1970. Designers at that time included Carl-Olof Borgarp and his wife, as well as Kjeld Jordan, John Hall, Charlotte Rude and Hjordis Olsson. After closure, several moulds were sold to the Bergdala glassworks, where production continued.

Sources: 20th Century Factory Glass by Lesley Jackson.