George Davidson founded the Teams Flint Glass Works in 1867, which later became known as George Davidson & Co. In the 1880's the company began producing pressed glass tableware, such as milk glass, malachite/slag glass, and their famous Pearline range. In 1891, the factory was taken over by Thomas Davidson, George Davidson's son. During the 1920's designs changed to reflect the new Art Deco trends. From 1923, Davidson began producing their hugely successful Cloud Glass range, created by applying streaks of dark coloured glass to paler glass, which creates a random swirled, "clouded" pattern. In 1931, Davidson brought out an opaque green glass range called Jade. When Thomas Davidson died in 1937, his nephew Claude Fraser became manager. In 1966, Davidson was taken over by Abrahams, and the glassworks was renamed Brama Teams Glassworks. The factory closed in 1987.
Sources: 20th Century Factory Glass by Lesley Jackson.