Glass Identification: Labels
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Shown below are labels found on glassware from various countries.
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Italian Murano Glass Labels
Murano Factory Labels
Archimede Seguso [view page]
"Archimede Seguso, Murano, Made in Italy" oval scalloped red and gold foil label. Introduced in the mid-1950's - 1980's. Used on artistic production.
"Made in Italy" circular scalloped red and gold foil export label, used exclusively on Archimede Seguso glassware. Thought to have been in use in the 1950's and possibly earlier.
"Made in Murano, Italy" circular scalloped red and gold foil export label, used exclusively on Archimede Seguso glassware. Thought to have been in use from the 1950's - 1980's.
"Made in Murano, Italy" circular scalloped red and silver (or very worn gold) foil export label, used exclusively on Archimede Seguso glassware. Thought to have been in use from the 1950's - 1980's.
Archimede Seguso red and gold foil label, reads "Made by Seguso Archimede, Mercerie S-Zulian, Seguso Glass". This was the label used by a shop or gallery in Venice owned by Archimede Seguso, the address being 711 Mercerie San Zulian. Thought to have been in use from the 1950's.
Archimede Seguso red and gold oval foil label, reads "Archimede Seguso, Murano, Made in Italy". Introduced in the 1980's.
Archimede Seguso clear oval plastic label, reads "Archimede Seguso, Murano, Made in Italy". Probably 1990's onwards.
Arte Nuova / Pustetto & Zanetti [view page]
Rectangular Arte Nuova label, reads "Arte Nuova Murano, Grand Prize, Genuine Venetian Glass, World Fair Brussels, 1958". Can also be found with the top "Arte Nuova Murano" section missing.
Circular Arte Nuova label, reads "Arte Nuova Murano, Pustetto & Zanetti, Made in Italy".
Shield shaped Pustetto & Zanetti label, reads "Pustetto & Zanetti, Murano".
Aureliano Toso [view page]
"Vetreria Aureliano Toso, Murano" gold foil circular label. C 1940's - late 1950's.
"Vetreria Aureliano Toso, Murano" blue & white rectangular paper label. C late 1950's - 1960's.
"Made in Italy" blue & white rectangular paper stock label.
"Made in Italy" blue & white rectangular paper stock label.
AVEM [view page]
Blue AVEM label, reads "AVEM, Made in Italy, Murano".
Red AVEM label, reads "AVEM, Made in Italy, Murano".
Red AVEM label, reads "Made in Italy, Murano".
Red AVEM label with star, reads "Made in Italy, Murano".
Barbini [view page]
"Alfredo Barbini, Murano" blue & silver circular foil label. Used during the 1950's.
"Venetian, Made by Alfredo Barbini For Weil Ceramics & Glass, Murano, Italy" gold & red oval scalloped foil label. Circa 1960's.
Stock label found on Barbini glass. Circa 1950's/60's.
"Barbini, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from the late 1970's.
"Barbini, Murano" black & white rectangular paper label. Age unknown but style matches plastic label from 1980's or later.
"Barbini, Murano" black & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from 1980's or 1990's to present.
"Barbini, Murano" white & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from 1980's or 1990's to present.
Barovier & Toso [view page]
Artisti Barovier, Murano" dark blue or black & white square paper label, with space for a pattern number, used between 1878 - 1914.
"Verreries Artistiques Barovier & C, Murano, Made in Italy" red & white rectangular paper label, with space for a pattern number, used between 1919 - 1942(?). Date given as 1919 - 1934 in MH's Patterns & Variations book, but has also been seen alongside the following FTB label.
"FTB, Murano" green & silver circular foil label, used between 1936 - 1942. the initials stand for "Ferro Toso Barovier".
"Barovier & Toso, Made in Italy" green & silver circular foil label, used between 1936 - 1955.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano, Made in Italy" red & white rectangular paper label, with squared corners and white outiline to top section, used between 1936 - 1955.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano, Made in Italy" red & white rectangular paper label, with rounded corners, used between 1956 - 1970.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano" red & silver circular foil label, used between 1956 - 1970.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy" red & white rectangular paper label, used between 1971 - 1984.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano Venezia" red & clear rectangular plastic label, used between 1971 - 1984.
"Barovier & Toso, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy" red & clear diamond shaped plastic label, used since 1985.
"Made in Italy" paper stock label, found on Barovier & Toso lamp.
Bucella Cristalli [view page]
"Bucella Cristalli Murano, Made in Italy" foil label with Murano logo of a rooster, snake and fox. Found on glass sold by Bucella Cristalli (retailer and grinder/polisher).
"Artistic Cristal Murano, Made in Italy" foil label with Murano logo of a rooster, snake and fox. Found on glass sold by Bucella Cristalli (retailer and grinder/polisher).
Campanella (G. Campanella & C.) / Bell Glass
"Cristalleria G. Campanella & C., Made in Murano" black & white rectangular paper label.
"Vetreria G. Campanella & C., Made in Murano" black & white rectangular paper label.
"Muran, Vetreria - G. Campanella & C." black & white rectangular paper label.
"Muran, Vetreria - G. Campanella & C., Cristallo Al piombo 24%" black & silver rectangular foil label.
"Muran, Vetreria - G. Campanella & C." black & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Muran, Made in Italy, Vetreria G. Campanella & C." white & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Bell Glass, Sacca Serenella, Murano, Made in Italy, oro 24K" black & gold rectangular foil label. G. Campanella & C. became Bell Glass in the mid 1980's ("Campanella" is Italian for "Bell").
Campanella L. (Campanella Livio)
"Campanella L., Murano, Made in Italy" circular black & gold foil label used by Vetreria Campanella Livio.
"Campanella L., Murano, Made in Italy" oval black & gold foil label used by Vetreria Campanella Livio.
"Campanella L. SNC, Murano, Made in Italy" oval black & gold foil label used by Vetreria Campanella Livio.
Carlo Moretti [view page]
"Moretti Carlo, Murano Italia" foil label. Inside writing reads "Goldmedalle München Internationale".
"Carlo Moretti, Murano Italia" clear plastic label.
"Carlo Moretti" clear plastic label.
"Made in Italy, Carlo Moretti" clear plastic label.
"Carlo Moretti, Murano Italia" clear plastic label.
Cenedese [view page]
"Murano Cenedese Vetri" blue & white paper label, used during the 1950's.
"Murano Cenedese Vetri" blue & silver foil label, used during the 1950's and reintroduced in the 1980's.
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" foil label, found exclusively on Cenedese glass.
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" foil label, found exclusively on Cenedese glass.
"Cenedese Glass, Murano, Made in Italy" scalloped rectangular white paper label, used during the mid 1960's - early 1970's.
"Cenedese Glass, Murano, Made in Italy" rectangular white paper label with rounded corners, used from the 1970's - 1990's.
Cristallo Venezia CCC [view page]
"Cristallo Venezia CCC" foil label.
"Artistica Murano CCC" foil label.
Ferro & Lazzarini [view page]
"Murano Glass, Italy" red and gold foil label, found (exclusively?) on Ferro & Lazzarini glass.
"Murano Glass, Italy, Ferro & Lazzarini" red and gold foil label.
"Murano Glass, Italy, Ferro & Lazzarini" black and clear plastic label.
"Murano, FL, Ferro & Lazzarini" gold and clear plastic label.
"Ferro & Lazzarini Srl" logo on paperweight box.
Formia / Fornace Mian
"Formia, Vetreria Murano, Made in Italy" black & silver circular foil label.
"Formia, Vetri di Murano, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Formia, Vetri di Murano, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Formia, Vetri di Murano, Made in Italy" white & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Formia, Vetri di Murano, Made in Italy" white & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Formia, Vetri di Murano, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Formia, Fornace Mian, Murano, Made in Italy" white & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Fornace Miam, Murano, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label.
Fratelli Barovier
The following labels are thought to have been used on the production of Emilio and Guido (Fratelli) Barovier, operational on Fondamenta Serenella 1 between at least 1947 until 1972. We are very grateful to Marc Heirmans for this information, which he made clear was a "best guess" based on very limited info.
"Fratelli Barovier, Vetri Di Venezia" wax seal shaped red & gold foil label.
"Barovier Fréres, made in Murano, Italy" wax seal shaped red & gold foil label.
Fratelli Ferro
Blue and silver circular foil label, reads "Opaline, F.lli Ferro, Murano". F.lli is short for Fratelli, which means "brothers".
Red and gold foil label, reads "Opaline, F.lli Ferro, Murano".
White and blue rectangular paper stock label, reads "Made in Italy, Mod." with spoace for a model number. Often found alongside the previous red label.
Blue and silver rectangular foil label, reads "F.lli Ferro, Opaline Murano, Made in Italy, Mod" with spoace for a model number.
Fratelli Toso [view page]
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" blue and silver foil export label, found (exclusively?) on Fratelli Toso glass.
"Made in Italy, Murano Glass" (with FT logo) black and silver foil label.
"F.lli Toso, Chambord, Murano" yellow and gold foil label.
"Murano, Chambord, Flli Toso" yellow and gold foil label.
"Made in Italy, Fratelli Toso Vetreria, Murano" black and clear plastic label.
"F.lli Toso, 1854" black and clear plastic label.
"Fratelli Toso, Murano (Venezia), Murrine" red and white paper stock label.
Mandruzzato [view page]
"Luigi Mandruzzato, Soprammboli Vetri Molati, Murano Italy" red and gold foil label. "Soprammboli Vetri Molati" is Italian for "Ground Glass Ornaments". C 1954-1967.
"Mandruzzato, Murano Italy, Lavorato a Mano, Hand Worked" rectangular black and white paper label.
"Mandruzzato, Murano Italy, Lavorato a Mano, Hand Worked" rectangular black and clear plastic label.
"Mandruzzato, Murano Italy, Lavorato a Mano, Hand Worked" rectangular white and clear plastic label.
Moleria 83
"Murano Glass, Hand Made, Fatto a Mano, M 83" black and gold scalloped foil label. Used by the Moleria 83 factory.
"Murano Glass, Hand Made, Fatto a Mano, M 83 LS" black and gold scalloped foil label. Used by the Moleria 83 factory. The additional "LS" are the initials of the owner, Luciano Salso.
Oball [view page]
"Vetreria Artistica Oball, Murano" black & white rectangular paper label.
"Vetreria Artistica Oball, Murano" gold & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Oball 2, Murano, Made in Italy" black & silver oval foil label. Used in Oball shop, possibly on items made by other factories.
"Oball 2, Commerciale, Murano Italy" blue & silver oval foil label. Used in Oball shop, possibly on items made by other factories.
"Oball 2, Commerciale, Murano Italy" gold & clear oval plastic label. Used in Oball shop, possibly on items made by other factories.
Pietro Toso
"Pietro Toso & C, Murano, Made in Italy" circular red and silver (or worn gold) foil label.
"Pietro Toso & C, Murano, Made in Italy" circular red and silver (or worn gold) foil label.
"Pietro Toso & C, Murano, Made in Italy" circular red and gold foil label.
Salviati [view page]
"Salviati & Co, Venezia" square green & white paper stock label. Circa early to mid 1900's.
"Salviati & C." circular blue & white paper label. Probably 1950's.
"Salviati & Co, Venice, Made in Italy" scalloped circular foil label. C late 1950's - early 1960's.
"Made in Italy, Salviati & C, Murano" circular foil label. C 1970's.
"Salviati & C, Made in Italy" circular foil label.
"Made in Italy, Salviati & C, Murano" black & clear rectangular plastic label.
"Venezia, Salviati, Made in Italy" black & clear circular plastic label. C 1990's - 2000s.
Seguso Dalla Venezia
"Seguso Dalla Venezia, Murano, Made in Italy" oval gold foil label. C 1950's.
"sdv, murano, made in italy" rectangular red & gold foil label used by Seguso Dalla Venezia. C 1960's.
Seguso Vetri d'Arte [view page]
"Vetreria Barovier, Seguso & Ferro, Murano" scalloped circular paper label. C 1933-1935.
"Seguso Vetri d'Arte, Murano, Made in Italy" paper label. 1946-1949.
"Seguso, Murano" blue & silver foil label. Rare special label introduced in 1952 when factory was relocated. New address around edge of label.
"Seguso, Murano, Made in Italy" red & silver foil label. 1953 - late 1950's.
"Seguso, Murano, Made in Italy" paper label. 1953 - late 1950's.
"Seguso Vetri d'Arte, Murano, Made in Italy" shield shaped label, with black outline. Designed by Mario Pinzoni, used 1963 - 1970's.
"Seguso Vetri d'Arte, Murano, Made in Italy" paper label, no outline. Designed by Mario Pinzoni, used 1963 - 1970's.
"Seguso Vetri d'Arte, Made in Italy" rectangular clear plastic label. 1980 - 1993.
Venini [view page]
"Venini, Murano, Made in Italy" blue and white paper stock label. C 1925 - 1932.
"Caliari Venini, Torino, Via Cavour" green & gold foil label. Used by the Caliari Venini shop which opened in 1926, at the address "1 Via Cavour, Torino, Italy".
"Venini Murano" yellow & gold foil label. Used after 1946.
"Venini S. A. Murano" yellow & silver (or worn gold) foil label. Used after 1946.
"Venini, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy" black and white paper stock label. Used after 1946.
"Venini, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy" black and white paper stock label. Used after 1946.
"Venini, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy" black and white paper stock label. C 1955 - 1970.
"Venini, Murano Venezia, Made in Italy, New York 125 E 55th" black and white paper stock label. Used at New York outlet c 1955 - 1970.
"Venini, Made in Italy" black & clear plastic label. C 1970's.
"Venini, Made in Murano / Italy" black & clear plastic label. C 1970's - 1980's.
"Venini, Murano, Made in Italy" black & clear plastic label. C 1980's - 2000's.
"Venini" black & clear plastic label. C 2000's.
V. Nason & C [view page]
"N, Veritable Opaline de Murano" red, black and gold foil scroll label. Used before 1989.
Reference: [click here] and [here].
"N, Veritable Opaline de Venise" red, black and gold foil scroll label. Used before 1989.
"VNC, Opaline de Venise, Hand Made in Italy" yellow and silver (or worn gold) foil wax seal label. Used before 1989.
"V. Nason & C., Murano, Italy" yellow and gold rectangular foil label. Used after 1989.
"Avventurina, V Nason e C, Murano Italy" yellow and gold scroll shaped foil label for 'Avventurina' range. Used after 1989.
"V. Nason & C., Murano, Italy" black and white rectangular paper label. Used after 1989.
"V. Nason & C., Murano, Italy" black and clear rectangular plastic label. Used after 1989.
"V. Nason & C., Murano, Italy" white and clear rectangular plastic label. Used after 1989.
"V. Nason & C., Murano, Italy" white and clear circular plastic label. Used after 1989.
Other Murano Factory Labels
"A. Toso & C., Murano, Made in Italy" paper pattern number label for Alberto Toso.
Red and silver foil Aldo Bon label, reads "A Bon, Murano".
"ARS, Italy, Murano" oval black & gold foil label.
Black and gold foil Galliano Ferro label, reads "GF, Fornasa De Muran A L'insecna Del Moreto, Made in Italy".
"Vetreria Artistica Gambaro & Poggi, Murano, Made in Italy" gold & clear rectangular plastic label.
White and clear plastic Gino Fort label, reads "G Fort, Vetri Molati, Murano Venezia"
"Vetreria La Fenice, Murano, Made in Italy" blue & gold foil label.
"V.A.C., Murano, Cimarosti & Pinzan" black & silver triangular foil label.
"La Serenissima, Murano, Made in Italy" black & gold oval foil label. Appears to have been a factory [link]
"Giampaolo Nason, Vetri Artistici, Venezia - Murano - Italy" black & gold rectangular foil label.
"Vetreria Artistica Colonna, Murano, Made in Italy, Fond. Serenella" blue & silver oval foil label.
Murano Consortium Labels
Vetri Murano (VM) label with "040" code. See full list of known codes here.
Blue Vetro Artistico Murano (VAM) label with "060" code. See full list of known codes here.
Red Vetro Artistico Murano (VAM) label with "061" code. See full list of known codes here.
Red Vetro Artistico Murano (VAM) label with "033" code and QR code. See full list of known codes here.
Murano glass silver and blue foil circular Rooster label, with "AL" code. See full list of known codes here.
Murano glass silver and blue foil rectangular Rooster label, with "BD" code. See full list of known codes here.
Murano Retailer & Import/Export Labels
Hans Geismar Ltd (Importer) "HG, Venetian Art Glass" red foil label.
Hans Geismar Ltd (Importer) "Lido, HG, Venetian Art Glass" red foil label.
Hans Geismar Ltd (Importer) "HG, Italian Art Glass" blue foil label.
Blue Decora import label, reads "A Decora Import, Made in Italy, Genuine Venetian Glass From Murano". Very commonly found on AVEM glassware.
Jaffe Rose (British importer) Murano glass paper label. Reads "JR, Jaffe Rose Original, Made in Italy". Found on some Galliano Ferro items.
"Vetro Artistico Veneziano, Hand Made Genuine Venetian Glass, Made in Murano, Italy" rectangular red and gold foil label. Probably an export label.
"Hand Made Genuine Venetian Glass, Made in Italy" rectangular red and silver (or worn gold) foil label. Probably an export label.
Ferro Italarts Murano glass foil label, possibly a retailer. Found on some glassware that seems to be by Galliano Ferro. Reads "Genuine Murano Glass, Ferro Italarts, Made in Italy".
"Maria Pessani, Corso Italia 78, Bordighera" retailer label.
"Murano Glass, Artistic Leather Goods, Honey Lane, Sorrento - T.783505" retailer label. Found on a Barovier & Toso bowl.
L Nason Murano glass foil label, possibly a retailer. Found on some glassware that seems to be by AVEM, Arte Nuova & others. Reads "Murano, L. Nason, Venezia".
"Montrose, Foreign"" US import label found on Murano glass.
"Vinciprova Vetri di Murano, Murano, Made in Italy" white & clear plastic label.
"Casa Del Regalo Bortoli, Venezia" blue & white paper label with seperate stock number label.
"Casa Del Regalo Bortoli, Venezia" red & white paper label with seperate stock number label.
"Casa Del Regalo Bortoli, Venezia" black & white paper label.
"Tino Luvie, Cristalli E Ceramiche D'Arte, Alassio" green & gold oval foil label.
"3 Vignanuova, K, Firenze" green & silver oval foil label.
"Paul's Products, E.P.P. & Co., New York, Est. 1898, Made in Italy" black & silver scalloped circular foil label.
"L. Dal Borgo, S. Marco, 4512 - C.le Goldoni, Venezia, Hand Made" black & gold rectangular foil label. Venice based retailer that is known to sell very Chinese looking glass.
Murano glass foil label, probably a retailer, label includes a Venice street address. Found on Carlo Moretti vase. Reads "Super Murano Glass, di Stefani Giuliano, Largo Augustus 1, Jesolo Lido (VE)".
Unknown / Other Murano Labels
These are non-generic labels that refer to a specific company, but it is currently unknown if that company was a factory, retailer or importer.
"Artigianato Muranese, Marchio di Qualita, Quality Trade Mark" paper label. Found on a faceted sommerso bowl.
"G. E. V. Murano Glass, Made in Italy" oval green and silver foil label.
Red and gold foil label, reads "MA-GU-SE, Murano Italy, Vetri Molati". Possibly a reference to Murano artist Daniele Maguse?
Red and white (or worn silver) label, reads "G. F., Made in Italy, Murano". Previously thought to have been for the Galliano Ferro factory, but the furnace has recently claimed to have never used this label.
"V.A.M. Vetri Molati, Made in Murano" red & gold foil label. Found on a faceted sommerso bowl.
"Cristallo Intagliato a Mano, V.A.M., Hand Cut Crystal" black & gold foil label. Found on a faceted sommerso bowl.
Red and white paper label, reads "Vetri Molati, Bonura & C, Murano Venezia".
Red and gold foil label, reads "Vetreria F.lli Scarpa, Murano, Made in Italy". F.lli is short for Fratelli, which means "brothers".
"A.Z., Italy, Venice, Murano" scalloped circular blue & silver foil label.
"Soc. Coop. Campanella Glass a.R.L., Made in Murano Italy" oval red & gold foil label.
"Campanella Glass, Scarl, Murano, Italy" oval blue & gold foil label.
"Stile Muranese Glass, Souvenir Di Venezia" circular blue & gold foil label.
"Comvet Vetri d'Arte, Murano" rectangular black & silver foil label.
"Genuine Venetian Glass, F&B" oval gold & silver foil label.
"Cristal V.M.P., Made in Murano" scalloped oval black & gold foil label.
Generic Murano Labels
These generic labels can be found on glass made by different factories. Useful simply to confirm an item is Murano made.
"Made in Italy" red and white circular paper label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" red and gold circular foil label.
Black, blue and gold scalloped foil label, reads "Murano, Made in Italy".
"Lavorazione, Arte Murano, Made in Italy" red and gold oval foil label.
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" yellow & gold scroll shaped foil label.
"Made in Italy, Murano" blue & white circular paper label.
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" red & white circular paper label.
"Murano Glass, Made in Italy" red & silver circular foil label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" red & silver (or worn gold) oval foil label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" red & silver (or worn gold) oval foil label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" red & gold oval foil label.
"Genuine Venetian Glass, Made in Murano, Italy" red & silver scalloped oval foil label.
"Genuine Venetian Glass, Handmade in Murano, Italy" red & gold scalloped oval foil label.
"Genuine Venetian Glass, Handmade, Made in Murano, Italy" red & silver scalloped oval foil label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" blue & silver scalloped oval foil label.
"Made in Murano, Italy" black & gold scalloped rectangular foil label.
Italian Empoli Glass Labels
Factory Labels
Stelvia [view page]
Empoli Italian glass foil scroll label with Stelvia cardboard tag.
Close up of foil scroll label, reads "Lavorazione a Mano, Fabbricato in Toscana - Italia".
Close up of cardboard tag, reads "Made in Italy", with Stelvia logo of fleur-de-lis and lion.
"Stelvia, Made in Italy, Fatto a Mano" Empoli Italian glass foil label.
"Stelvia, Made in Italy, Opalina Fiorentina" Empoli Italian glass foil label.
Close up of Stelvia label, showing logo of fleur-de-lis and lion.
Vetreria Barbieri [view page]
"V.B. Opaline Florence, Made in Italy" red, black & gold foil label, used by the Vetreria Barbieri factory.
"V.B. Opaline Florence, Made in Italy" red, blue and silver foil label, used by the Vetreria Barbieri factory.
Other Empoli Labels
Empoli Italian glass foil label, reads "Hand, AV, Made in Italy".
Empoli Italian glass foil label, reads "LG, Veritable Opaline Italiano, Made in Italy".
Empoli Italian glass foil label, reads "Veritable Opaline Florence, Made in Italy".
Italian glass scalloped red & gold foil "Made in Italy" label, only found on Empoli glassware.
Generic Made in Italy paper label found on Empoli Verde glass.
"Toscany Handcrafted Genuine Empoli Glass, Italy"" paper label found on Empoli Verde glass.
"An Alrose Original, Made in Italy" US import label found on Empoli glass.
"Montrose, Made in Italy"" US import label found on Empoli glass.
Generic "Made in Italy" foil label, found on Empoli cased glass.
Generic Italian glass paper label in the style of the Italian flag, found on Empoli cased glass.
"Veritable Opaline de Cristallin" black and gold scroll shaped foil label.
Scandinavian Glass Labels
Scandinavian Factory Labels
Alsterfors [view page]
"Alsterfors, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Alsterfors, Sweden" Swedish glass clear plastic label.
Aseda [view page]
"Svensk Form, Bo Borgström, Sweden, Aseda" Swedish glass foil label.
"Sweden, Aseda" Swedish glass foil label.
Ekenas [view page]
"Ekenas, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Ekenas, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Ekenas, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Ekenas, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
Elme [view page]
"Elme, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Elme, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Elme" Swedish glass foil label.
Holmegaard / Kastrup [view page]
"Holmegaard, 1825" Danish glass clear plastic label.
"Holmegaard of Copenhagen, by Appointment to The Royal Danish Court, Made in Denmark, 493" Danish glass paper label.
"Kastrup - Holmegaard, by Appointment to H. M. The King of Denmark, Made in Denmark" Danish glass paper label.
"Holmegaard, by Appointment to His Majesty The King of Denmark, Made in Denmark" Danish glass paper label.
"KH, Made in Denmark" Danish glass paper label for Kastrup - Holmegaard.
"H, Made in Denmark" Danish glass paper label for Holmegaard.
Humppila [view page]
"Humppila, Handmade in Finland" Finnish glass black plastic label.
"Humppila, Handmade in Finland" Finnish glass clear plastic label.
"Humppila, Handmade in Finland" Finnish glass clear plastic label.
Iittala [view page]
"Iittala" Finnish glass clear plastic label - black text.
"Iittala, Finland" Finnish glass clear plastic label - white text.
Kosta Boda [view page]
"Handmade Kosta Crystal Collection, Full Lead Crystal" Swedish glass paper label.
"Kosta, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Kosta Boda, Sweden 1742" Swedish glass clear plastic label.
"Kosta Boda, Since 1742" Swedish glass clear plastic label.
Lindshammar [view page]
"Lindshammar, Sweden, Gunnar Ander" Swedish glass foil label.
"Handmade in Sweden by Lindshammar" Swedish glass paper label.
"Full Lead Crystal by Lindshammar of Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Lindshammar, Sweden, Gunnar Ander" Swedish glass paper label.
Mats Jonasson [view page]
"Mats Jonasson, Maleras, Sweden, Full Lead" Swedish glass clear plastic label.
"Mats Jonasson, Sweden, Full Lead" Swedish glass opaque plastic label.
Orrefors [view page]
"Orrefors, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Orrefors, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Orrefors, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Orrefors, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Orrefors, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
Pukeberg [view page]
"Pukeberg, Sweden" Swedish glass clear plastic label - black text.
"Pukeberg, Sweden" Swedish glass clear plastic label - white text.
"Pukeberg, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
Reijmyre [view page]
"Reijmyre Kristall, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Reijmyre, Sweden, Handmade" Swedish glass foil label.
Royal Krona
"Royal Krona, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Royal Krona, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
Ryd [view page]
"Ryd, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
Ryd Swedish glass foil label, reads "Opaline Suedoise" (French for "Swedish Opaline").
Sea Glasbruk [view page]
"Sea Glasbruk AB, Kosta, Sweden" Swedish glass clear plastic label.
"Sea Glasbruk, Kosta, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
Other Scandinavian Factory Labels
"Afors, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Alsterbro, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
"Dansk Designs Ltd, Made in Sweden, JHQ" Swedish glass paper label. JHQ are the initials of the designer, Jens Harold Quistgaard.
"Eneryda Glasbruk, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Flygsfors, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Handiwork, FM Konstglas, Ronneby, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Gullaskruf, Sweden" Swedish glass foil label.
"Hadeland, Norway" Norwegian glass foil label.
"Norsk Magnor Glass" Norwegian glass paper label.
"Normann Copenhagen" Danish glass clear plastic label.
"Nuutajarvi Notsjo, 1793, Suomi, Finland" Finnish glass plastic label.
"Randsfjord, Made in Norway, Handblown" Norwegian glass foil label.
"Riihimaen Lasi, Made in Finland" Finnish glass foil label.
"Strombergshyttan, Sweden" Swedish glass paper label.
Scandinavian Retailer & Import/Export Labels
"JC, Made in Sweden" Jones & Co (UK Importer) Swedish glass foil label.
"Hand Made, JC, Sweden" Jones & Co (UK Importer) Swedish glass foil label.
"Made in Finland" Finnish glass paper export label, found on Riihimaen / Riihimaki glassware.
"Reducta, Hand Made Glass, Polish Origin" British import label.
Hans Geismar Ltd (UK Importer) "HG, Swedish Art Glass" gold foil label.
Hans Geismar Ltd (UK Importer) "HG, Swedish Art Glass" silver foil label.
Hans Geismar Ltd (UK Importer) "HG, Swedish Art Glass" green foil label.
Generic & Other Scandinavian Labels
Generic "Made in Sweden" Swedish glass paper label, found on Elme vase.
Generic "Made in Sweden" Swedish glass paper label, found on Elme vase.
Generic "Made in Sweden" Swedish glass paper label, found on Elme vase.
Generic "Made in Sweden" Swedish glass foil label, found on Alsterfors vase.
British Glass Labels
British Factory Labels
Alum Bay
"Alum Bay Glass, Isle of White" English glass paper label.
"Made by Alum Bay Glass, Isle of White" English glass foil label.
Davidson / Brama [view page]
"Hand Made Crystal, Davidson, England" English glass foil label.
"Hand Made Luna Crystal, by Brama, England" English glass foil label for the "Luna" range.
Liskeard [view page]
"LGS" (Liskeard Studio Glass) English glass clear plastic label.
"Liskeard Studio Glass, Hand-made in Cornwall, England" English glass clear plastic label.
"LG, Liskeard Glass, Hand-made in Cornwall, England" English glass paper label.
Monart / Vasart / Strathearn [view page]
"Strathearn, Hand Made in Scotland" Scottish glass paper label.
"Vasart Glass, Hand Made in Scotland" Scottish glass foil label.
Stevens & Williams / Royal Brierley [view page]
"Since 1776, Royal Brierley, Handmade in England" English glass paper label.
"Since 1776, Royal Brierley Art Glass, Hand Made in England" English glass foil label.
Wedgwood / Kings Lynn [view page]
"Wedgwood, England" English glass foil label.
"Wedgwood, England" English glass paper label.
"Wedgwood Crystal" English glass paper label.
"Wedgwood Glass, England, Hand Made" English glass foil label.
"Lynn, England" Kings Lynn English glass paper label.
Whitefriars [view page]
"JP&S(W)Ltd, Made in England" (for James Powel & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd) black and white paper label, c 1930's.
"Whitefriars Crystal" blue & silver foil label, c 1940 - 1963.
"Whitefriars Crystal, Made in England" black & white paper label, c 1950 - 1963.
"Whitefriars, Made in England" black & white paper label, c 1963 - 1979.
"Whitefriars, Full Lead Crystal, Made in England" black & white paper label, c 1963 - 1979.
"Whitefriars Full Lead Crystal, Handmade in England" gold foil label, c 1978 - 1980.
Whitefriars white paper pattern number label.
"Whitefriars, Made in England" blue & silver foil export label.
"As selected for The Design Centre, London" black and white paper label, found on some Whitefriars glass.
Other British Factory Labels
"Caithness Glass, Handmade in Scotland" Scottish glass plastic label.
"Chance Glass, A member of the Pilkington Group, Made in England" English glass foil label.
"Dartington Crystal, England" English glass paper label.
"Heron Glass" English glass foil label.
"Handmade in Scotland, by John Deacons" Scottish glass paper label.
"Nazeing, Hand-made, English Glassware" British glass foil label, c 1970's.
"Sowerbys Tynesyde Glassware, Made in England" English glass foil label.
"Bristol Blue, Thomas Webb & Sons, England" paper label for the "Bristol Blue" range.
British Retailer Labels
"Luxury Glass, Elwell's, Harlow, Essex, British Hand Made" foil retail label, found on Nazeing glass.
Czech / Bohemian Glass Labels
Czech Factory Labels
Skrdlovice / Beranek [view page]
"Hand Made Skrdlovice, Czechoslovakia" Czech glass foil label.
"Hand Made Skrdlovice, Czechoslovakia" Czech glass foil label.
"Beranek, Hand Made, Made in Czech Republic" Czech glass paper label.
Zelezny Brod Sklo (ZBS) [view page]
"Bohemia Glass Hand Cut Lead, ZBS, Made in Czechoslovakia" Zelezny Brod Sklo Czech glass foil label.
"Bohemia Glass, ZBS, Made in Czechoslovakia" Zelezny Brod Sklo Czech glass foil label (used 1960's - 1980's).
"Hand Made, ZBS, Czech Republic" Zelezny Brod Sklo Czech glass foil label (used 1990's +).
Other Czech Factory Labels
"WI KRA SO, BOHEMIA" (for Wilhelm Kralik Söhne) Kralik Czech glass paper label.
"Bohemia Hand Made, Atelier Veselous, Czech Republic" Czech glass foil label.
"Hand Made Glass, Chřibská"" Czech glass foil label.
"Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Hand Made, Crystalex"" Czech glass foil label.
Generic & Other Czech Labels
"Bohemia Glass, Made in Czechoslovakia" generic Czech glass foil label.
"Bohemia Glass, Made in Czechoslovakia" generic Czech glass foil label.
"Jones Glass, Hand Made, Czechoslovakia" Czech glass foil import label, found on Prachen vase.
Maltese Glass Labels
Maltese Factory Labels
Mdina [view page]
"Mdina Glass" black & white paper label. Late 1960's - 1980's.
"Mdina Glass" black & white paper label. Early 1970's - 1996.
"Mdina Glass" black & white paper pattern label. Late 1960's - 1970's.
"Mdina Glass, Malta" black & white paper label. Late 1980's - 1996. A virtually identical label in white plastic was used from 1996 onwards for factory seconds.
"Mdina Glass, Malta" white & clear plastic label. Approx 1996 - present.
Mtarfa / Valletta [view page]
"Mtarfa Glassblowers" Maltese glass foil label.
"Mtarfa Glassblowers, Malta" Maltese glass foil label.
"Mtarfa Glassblowers, Malta" Maltese glass foil label.
Other Maltese Factory Labels
"Gozo Glass"" Maltese glass paper label.
"Phoenician Glass" Maltese glass foil label.
German & Austrian Glass Labels
German & Austrian Factory Labels
Ingridglas [view page]
"Ingridgläser - Ingridkristall, Garantiert Handarbeit" German glass foil label.
"Ingridgläser, Kerzenleuchter" German glass foil label.
Walther [view page]
German glass foil label with Walther factory logo.
"Alle Schönheit die Glas haben kann, Walther, Made in Western Germany" German glass foil label.
Schott Zwiesel
"Handmade, Zwiesel, 1872" German glass paper label.
"Schott Zwiesel, Handmade" German glass foil label.
Other German & Austrian Factory Labels
"Friedrich Kristall" German glass foil label.
"Hirschberg" German glass foil label.
"Oberglas, Austria" Austrian glass foil label.
"St, Made in Austria" Stölzle Austrian glass foil label.
Generic & Other German & Austrian Labels
Generic "Made in West Germany" paper export label, found on Friedrich vase.
Other Glass Labels
"Opaline de Lorraine, Verrerte de Portieux, France" French glass foil label.
Portieux "Opaline de Lorraine, Veritable, Made in France" French glass foil label.
French glass foil scroll label, reads "Veritable Opaline de Cristallin".
"Val St Lambert, Cristal, Belgium, Depose" Belgian glass foil label.
"Sasaki Glassware, Japan" Japanese glass foil label.
"Nasco, Japan" foil import label for Japanese glass.
"Product de Pologne, Krosno, Made in Poland" Polish glass plastic label.
"Jaffe Rose, Hand Made in Poland" import label for Polish glass.
"Kerry Glass, Hand Made - Ireland" Irish glass paper label.
Fontanelli / Fontanella (Italian glass?) oval foil label.
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