Barbini Glass Identification Guide + Gallery

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Alfredo Barbini began learning the art of glass making in 1912, aged ten, at Abate Zanetti, the design school attached to the Murano Glass museum. He then went on to work for Ferro Toso, Cristalleria Murano, Zecchin-Martinuzzi, Seguso Vetri'dArte and Vetri Artistici Muranesi Societa Anonima. In 1946 he became a partner at Cenedese, and then began Barbini Glassworks in 1950. Some financial assistance for setting up the factory was provided by Salviati. In exchange, Barbini supplied Salviati with some of the glassware they produced. This explains why some known Barbini designs can be found with Salviati labels. Barbini has become renowned for his heavy, thick sculptural forms which have won him many awards. In 1952 Alfredo's daugher Oceania Barbini-Moretti joined the glassworks and became the company's sales manager. His son Flavio became a designer for the firm in 1968.

Sources: 20th Century Factory Glass by Lesley Jackson.

See also: Barbini Glass Catalogues

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Barbini Marks & Labels

Alfredo Barbini Murano glass foil label.

"Alfredo Barbini, Murano" blue & silver circular foil label. Used during the 1950's.

Barbini Murano glass foil label.

"Venetian, Made by Alfredo Barbini For Weil Ceramics & Glass, Murano, Italy" gold & red oval scalloped foil label. Circa 1960's.

Barbini Murano glass paper label.

Stock label found on Barbini glass. Circa 1950's/60's.

Barbini Murano glass plastic label.

"Barbini, Made in Italy" black & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from the late 1970's.

Barbini Murano glass paper label.

"Barbini, Murano" black & white rectangular paper label. Age unknown but style matches plastic label from 1980's or later.

Barbini Murano glass plastic label.

"Barbini, Murano" black & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from 1980's or 1990's to present.

Barbini Murano glass plastic label.

"Barbini, Murano" white & clear rectangular plastic label. Used from 1980's or 1990's to present.

Barbini Murano signature.

"Barbini Murano" signature. In use since the 1970's.

Barbini Murano signature.

"A. Barbini" signature. In use during the 1980's.

Biomorphic Bowls with Gold Leaf

Barbini 1950's Murano Glass Gold Leaf 'Circus Tent' Bowl

A creamy white Murano glass "circus tent" bowl with gold leaf inclusions and copper aventurine stripes. Made by Barbini.

Barbini 1950's Murano Glass Gold Leaf 'Circus Tent' Bowl

A creamy white Murano glass "circus tent" bowl with gold leaf inclusions and orangey red stripes. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Biomorphic Glass 'Circuis Tent' Bowl

A pink Murano glass "circus tent" bowl with gold leaf inclusions and creamy white stripes. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Black, White & Gold Leaf Biomorphic Glass Bowl

A black and creamy white Murano glass ashtray bowl with gold leaf inclusions. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Biomorphic Gold Leaf Lattimo Glass Bowl

A bright yellow and creamy white Murano glass Mexican hat bowl with gold leaf inclusions and a bolle controlled bubble effect. Attributed to Barbini.

Barbini Murano Gold Leaf Biomorphic Blue Glass Bubble Bowl

A blue and white Murano glass bowl with gold leaf inclusions and a bolle controlled bubble effect. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Biomorphic Red & Black Glass Gold Leaf Bowl

A red and black Murano glass bowl with gold leaf inclusions and a bolle controlled bubble effect. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Biomorphic Red & Black Glass Gold Leaf Bowl

A red and black Murano glass bowl with gold leaf inclusions and a bolle controlled bubble effect. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Red & Gold Leaf Glass Biomorphic Bowl

An orangey red and white Murano glass ashtray bowl with gold leaf inclusions. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Pink & Gold Leaf Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A pink and white Murano glass ashtray bowl with gold leaf inclusions. Made by Barbini.

Transparent Cased Biomorphic Bowls

The following range of biomorphic ashtray bowls is attributed to Barbini, based on several labelled examples, and many of the shapes being shown in the Barbini catalogues. As with other Barbini designs, some of these bowls can also be found with Salviati labels, as Barbini supplied Salviati with their glass in exchange for finanical assistance setting up the factory. As part of ongoing research, I've set up a Pinterest board to collect together as many examples from this range as possible, which can be viewed [here].

LABELLED Barbini Murano Blue & Clear Bubble Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A blue and clear Murano glass ashtray bowl with a bolle controlled bubble pattern. Made by Barbini, labelled.

LABELLED Barbini Murano Blue & Clear Bubble Glass Biomorphic Bowl

Label reads Barbini, Murano.

Barbini Murano Purple & Blue Bubble Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A purple and blue Murano glass ashtray bowl with a bolle controlled bubble pattern. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Red & Blue Bubble Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A red and blue Murano glass ashtray bowl with a bolle controlled bubble pattern. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Pink & Uranium Glass Vintage Biomorphic Bowl

A pink and clear Murano glass ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Red & Clear Bubble Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A red and clear Murano glass ashtray bowl with a bolle controlled bubble pattern. Made by Barbini. This shape is shown in the Barbini catalogues.

Barbini Murano Red & Blue Sommerso Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A red, blue and clear Murano sommerso glass ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Orange & Clear Glass Vintage Biomorphic Bowl

An orange and clear Murano glass ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini. The same shape and colours can be found online with the factory label.

Reference: [click here].

Barbini Murano Pink & Clear Glass Ribbed Biomorphic Bowl

A pink and clear Murano glass ribbed ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini.

Barbini Murano Pink & Clear Glass Vintage Biomorphic Bowl

A pink and clear Murano glass ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini. This shape is shown in the Barbini catalogues, and can be found online in different colours with the factory label.

Reference: [click here].

Barbini Murano Green & Blue Glass Vintage Biomorphic Bowl

A turquoise green and blue Murano glass ashtray bowl. Made by Barbini. This shape is shown in the Barbini catalogues, and a different shape in these same colours can be found online with the factory label. The same shape in different colours can also be found.

Reference 1: [click here].
Reference 2: [click here].

Barbini Murano Red & Blue Glass Vintage Biomorphic Bowl

A red and blue Murano glass ashtray bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Opaque Cased Biomorphic Bowls

This range consists of shapes similar to the trapsnarent range listed above, but made in opaque colours with a white lattimo middle layer.

Barbini Murano Red, White & Amber Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A red, amber and white Murano glass ashtray bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Barbini Murano Red, White & Amber Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A purple, amber and white Murano glass ashtray bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Barbini Murano Green, White & Amber Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A green, amber and white Murano glass ashtray bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Barbini Murano Green, White & Amber Glass Biomorphic Bowl

A green, amber and white Murano glass ashtray bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Geode Bowls

Barbini Murano Pink, Amber & White Cased Glass Geode Bowl

A pink, white and amber glass geode bowl. Made by Barbini, very similar labelled examples online.

Reference: [click here].

Barbini Murano Amber & White Cased Glass Geode Bowl

An amber and white glass geode bowl. Attributed to Barbini.

Other Barbini Glass

Barbini Murano Pink & Black Copper Aventurine Glass Ashtray Bowl

A pink and black Murano glass ashtray bowl with copper aventurine inclusions. Attributed to Barbini.

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